A Brief History and Future of IC Drip NFTs

IC Drips are an open source NFT project launched by Rick Porter of DSCVR back in September of 2021. The ethos of IC Drip is to inspire creation and community. The Dripland project is based on IC Drips and is laying the foundation for future development and growth.

What is an IC Drip?

Most rare IC Drip on the planet!
The rarest IC Drip in existence

Each IC Drip is a list of 8 items of gear, on a black background. The gear can be classified into 8 categories, and every IC Drip contains one of each category.

1. Accessory
2. Head
3. Chest
4. Hand
5. Waist
6. Pants
7. Underwear
8. Feet

Across the 8 categories, there are 281 basic items. By basic, I mean that they have no additional prefix, suffix, or emoji. So, a “Towel” for example, is a basic item.

Those 281 basic items have name variations, and each variation might be duplicated. To the point where ultimately, we end up with 64,008 items (8001 IC Drips x 8 items per Drip).

The naming convention used is pretty simple. A basic item could have a Prefix (there are 22), such as “Second Hand” or “Aged”. Then it could have a Name Prefix (there are 43), such as “Gold” or “8 bit”. Next, it can have a Name Suffix (there are 34), like “Drippin” or “Alien”. And finally, it could have an emoji (there are 7). BTW, emojis only come into play if the item is one-of-a-kind, but not every one-of-a-kind item has an emoji.

We end up with naming combinations like this.

1. Basic Item Name
2. Prefix + Basic Item Name
3. Name Prefix + Prefix + Basic Item Name
4. Name Prefix + Prefix + Basic Item Name + Name Suffix
5. Name Prefix + Prefix + Basic Item Name + Name Suffix + Emoji

Here are some examples based on the “Bowler Hat”.

Breakdown of bowler hats
A breakdown of different bowler hat names, with quantity per item.

If interested, the full list of items is available on our Discord.

We also have broken the list of items down per the 8 categories, to show the name variations of each basic item, as well as the quantity of each name variation (just like that bowler hat example above).

BTW, many thanks to Bob Bodily for originally publishing the rarity data per IC Drip and per individual IC Drip item.

How does rarity come into play and does it matter?

The short answer is that utility is what matters.

That said, each individual item’s rarity is calculated across the 64,008 items, and then we can see the overall rarity of the combination of items. If there’s some awesome utility built only for items with a “fire” emoji, then it stands to chance that those items will be more highly sought. And since those items are already rarer as compared to other items, then I suppose rarity has her place in Dripland.

Being rare on its own, however, is not what drives value. It will always be about the utility of IC Drips as a whole, and then the utility of the individual items.

How can IC Drips be useful?

This is the question of the day for all NFT projects.

1. We see voting via IC Drip NFTs as a definite must-have
2. We see a simple text-based game as being a logical starting point
3. We see the staking of NFTs intertwined in the game concept
4. We see cross-project utility for sure.

These are all things we want to achieve with the Dripland project, based upon the IC Drip NFT. This is not to say that it’s the limit of what’s possible. And it’s well within reason for other projects to collaborate in some manner, or even to build IC Drip-based projects that are completely unrelated to Dripland.

The real foundational thing is this…

IC Drips are here to inspire creators, and the Dripland community is here to support creators who add value to the project. Dripland aspires to help incubate creators, who in turn help the project.

Whatever kind of creator you are… look at the Drip gear (or the Dripland game concept) and find your niche. Can you create value for the community? If you think so, then propose your ideas to the Dripland team and to the community at large.

What’s the future of IC Drips and Dripland?

First, we are laying the foundation that we never had when the IC Drips dropped. We’re working on basic education, like this article, to help people understand IC Drip NFTs and the Dripland project.

Second, we have delayed a couple of NFT launches, really for two main reasons. First of all, we want to upgrade the IC Drip canister to the DIP721 standard. And secondly, we really want and need a Dripland marketplace. We want to address these things!

Third, the game! We can’t forget about this. Actually, it stands to reason that NFTs should not be airdropped until we can show development progress towards the game and in general. So, this is also a big one that we need to tackle.

How can you help?

Looking for a dev/design side-hustle? Let’s talk.
Have an idea based on IC Drips? Reach out.
Focused on community growth? Holler.

Stay lit, fam.

Reach us on:

Twitter https://twitter.com/ICdripland
Discord https://discord.gg/jznzQ6BcmH
DSCVR https://h5aet-waaaa-aaaab-qaamq-cai.raw.ic0.app/p/dripland
Distrikt https://az5sd-cqaaa-aaaae-aaarq-cai.ic0.app/u/Dripland